35mm again…

February 6, 2010

Being fed up and frustrated with the distanced and removed nature of my recent photography and inspired by a dear friend, I have decided to take a step back in time to when photography for me was not merely a tool to tell stories, but rather a little miracle, a slowly revolving series of secrets, without a delete button and a display for instant results. A time when a picture wasn’t born out of the feeling that what’s in front of me is an important part of the story that I am expected to capture, but simply out of a mere impulse, a feeling of space, time, light and moment all coming together that makes my finger push down the button.

Now don’t get me wrong – I don’t think that telling stories in pictures isn’t good. In fact, I believe that it’s one of the most wonderful forms of communication, otherwise I couldn’t be doing what I do. But I do believe that with going digital, I have lost part of my passion for this medium, and lately I was approaching photography very stiff and methodically. Going back to shooting analog black-and-white is my form of therapy to regain what I’ve lost somewhere along the way – and ideally what I find will carry over and enrich my “professional” photography.

These are just some random images from a day out at Devil’s Backbone with Sibylle and Marine last week and some shots of a hilarious night of Ping Pong and Karaoke last Thursday. It was the first roll of film that I shot in almost four years, and I loved it…

Filed under: USA

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  • 1. Miss Vivian Marie Esparza  |  February 10, 2010 at 11:13 pm

    This is a lovely set of photos.
    I think your new moto should be “Go film or Go home!”
    Keep shooting 🙂

  • 2. catalin  |  February 10, 2010 at 11:16 pm

    jakob, my friend, i totally resonate with what you wrote at the beginning of your post.
    these photos are really beautiful, man. don’t get me wrong, i really think you’re damn good photographer, no matter what kind of camera you’re using, but these images look like you’re doing better when you’re shooting on film.

  • 3. Blog | Jakob Berr Photogr&hellip  |  April 6, 2010 at 9:23 pm

    […] felt like doing it and because I was fed up with digital photography. After posting a few initial images several weeks back, I was waiting for fresh developer for about three weeks before I could finall […]

  • 4. Blog | Jakob Berr Photogr&hellip  |  April 8, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    […] Here’s another set of pictures from my trip into the past times of analog photography, shot between February 6 and February 13. They’re just random snap shots of things that […]

  • 5. Blog | Jakob Berr Photogr&hellip  |  April 8, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    […] th, 2010 Here two more pictures from my trip into the past times of analog photography, shot on February 13. As my friend and colleague Bharat Choudhary is doing his professional p […]

  • 6. Blog | Jakob Berr Photogr&hellip  |  April 9, 2010 at 1:10 am

    […] Here’s another set of pictures from my trip into the past times of analog photography, shot between February 11 and February 15. The pictures have all been taken while I was out a […]

  • 7. Blog | Jakob Berr Photogr&hellip  |  April 11, 2010 at 11:17 pm

    […] are two more pictures from my trip into the past times of analog photography, shot on February 13. Bharat Choudhary, a close friend and colleague of mine, is doing his […]

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