A while ago, I posted on my facebook wall that I found an exposed but undeveloped film in my M7. Well, I finally took it to the lab, and there were some true highlights from spring 2010 on there. Without much further ado, here’s a selection of my favorites, uncropped and untoned in the order they were shot. Enjoy the time travel…
At Devil's Backbone with Bharat and Chaitali, Saturday, April 10, 2010:

Fishing with Calin, Jamie, Sibylle and Andrea at Twin Lakes Recreation Area in Columbia, Mo., Wednesday, April 14, 2010:

Hanging out with Jamie and Jessie at Jamie's, Thursday, April 15, 2010:

April 4, 2012
Here’s another set of pictures from my trip into the past times of analog photography, shot between February 11 and February 15. The pictures have all been taken while I was out and about in Columbia’s night life with my friends.
Melvin and Atreyee at Top Ten Wines, Thursday, February 11, 2010.
Another blurry picture, but I love the intensity of the look in Sibylle’s eyes.
For a while, dominos became really popular and we played it almost every night at Ragtag.
Anjali Pinto and Mito Habe-Evans are all dominos…
Beth Suda smoking outside the Ragtag.
Sibylle and I somehow have a thing for photographing each other photographing each other…
Nick King and Parker Eshelman at Flat Branch.
Closing the tab at Flat Branch.
Looking out on the parking lot behind Flat Branch.
April 8, 2010
Here’s another set of pictures from my trip into the past times of analog photography, shot between February 6 and February 13. They’re just random snap shots of things that cought my eye in the streets of Columbia, but it’s all stuff that sort of makes this town what it is – at least for me.
Even though it’s blurry, there is something about this image that I like. It sort of has something mysterious about it, with the clouds, the lights in the windows and the smoke (or vapor) that’s rising up from the Mosque.
Where else than in the window of Arnie Fagan’s “Cool Stuff” on Broadway can you see Moses next to Big Foot and Jesus next to a Smoking Elephant?
I wish the flag in this picture would be somewhat clearer. This is what happens when you got spoiled by the insane ISO speeds of digital photography and then go back to shooting with 400 ISO film…

Snow falls in front on Lakota’s on 9th Street. Moments after I took this picture, the sun came out and shone through the snowflakes and a guy was standing outside in front of the window in the backlight smoking a cigarette. I missed it because I was talking to a friend and when I noticed it it was already too late. By the time I had my camera up, the sun was gone. I still regret missing that picture.

The view from our apartment at night.
April 7, 2010
Here are two more pictures from my trip into the past times of analog photography, shot on February 13. Bharat Choudhary, a close friend and colleague of mine, is doing his professional project with families all over the state and even in neighboring states and he will need a car to get around – which means that he’ll have to get a Missouri driver’s license. So he asked me if he could take a few practice hours in my car, and a couple of weeks ago we went out and drove around Columbia and down Highway 63 for a while.
The day after, we both found out how lucky we were to still be alive when the right front wheel suspension of my car broke out of the blue in the parking lot opposite the Reynold’s Journalism Institute. If that had happened at 70 mph on the highway, we would have both been nothing but a bloody stain on the road…
Carefully making his way down Broadway…
The unfamiliar view from the passenger seat of my car.
April 7, 2010