Tag: Leica M9

in the mountains

Yesterday was probably the last beautiful Sunday of the year, and Tobi, Corinna, Beth and I used the opportunity to go on a hike in the Alps. We picked a loop trail around the Latschenkopf at Jachenau that we found in a book about forgotten paths in the Alps. The extra orienteering work that the trail required at times paid off. Despite the proximitiy to Munich and despite the fact that thousands of people probably went hiking that day too, we were literally alone on the trail. Here are some of the shots I took while we were out there:

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

Latschenkopf trail, Jachenau, Bavaria

October 28, 2013

pinhole goes digital

Here’s a photo I took today in our living room with a digital Leica M9 pinhole camera. I really like the atmosphere in this one.

Digital Pinhole Photography with Leica M9

October 6, 2013

pumpkin palooza

Before you know it it’s fall, your last blog post is four months old (the last one with photos even older…), and pumpkin season is rolling around again. What can I say? I’m not going to say anything, since I don’t have an excuse for not blogging so long except that I had retreated from the digital world for a while. Beth and I went to the Kunst & Kürbis festival last Saturday, which translates to arts and pumpkins. You probably guessed it by now – lots of crafts, arts and pumpkins. Here are the shots, this time without captions:

Kunst & Kürbis 2013 in Schwabhausen

Kunst & Kürbis 2013 in Schwabhausen

Kunst & Kürbis 2013 in Schwabhausen

Kunst & Kürbis 2013 in Schwabhausen

Kunst & Kürbis 2013 in Schwabhausen

Kunst & Kürbis 2013 in Schwabhausen

Kunst & Kürbis 2013 in Schwabhausen

Kunst & Kürbis 2013 in Schwabhausen

Kunst & Kürbis 2013 in Schwabhausen

October 5, 2013

japanese-turkish costume party

Last Saturday, I had to shoot one of the numerous costume parties that happen in Munich during the carnival season. It was co-hosted by a Turkish gallery owner and the vocalist of the German-Japanese ethno-blues band SaSeBo and themed – surprise, surprise – Japanese-Turkish. It was a visual treat and I had lots of fun shooting it. The icing on the cake was the band, though; their music was amazing, and I can’t wait to hear them play again. Following are three of my favorite frames:

From left, Klaus Köstler, his wife Angelika Köstler and Alexandra Hack chat at the Japanese-Turkish costume party at gallery Kullukcu in Munich, Saturday, February 9, 2013.

From left, Klaus Köstler, his wife Angelika Köstler and Alexandra Hack chat at the Japanese-Turkish costume party at gallery Kullukcu in Munich, Saturday, February 9, 2013.

Party visitor Thomas Sachs, left, and the guitar player of SaSeBo, Yutaka Minegishi, cast shadows onto a projection of Japanese movie clips at the Japanese-Turkish costume party at gallery Kullukcu in Munich, Saturday, February 9, 2013.

Party visitor Thomas Sachs, left, and the guitar player of SaSeBo, Yutaka Minegishi, cast shadows onto a projection of Japanese movie clips.

From left, Klaus Köstler, his wife Angela Köstler, a man who introduced himself as Ali Escigeoglu, and Alexandra Hack pose for a friend's camera at the Japanese-Turkish costume party at gallery Kullukcu in Munich, Saturday, February 9, 2013.

From left, Klaus Köstler, his wife Angela Köstler, a man who introduced himself as Ali Escigeoglu, and Alexandra Hack pose for a friend's camera.

February 11, 2013

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