It has been awfully quiet on this blog for a long time now, and the silence has a sad reason. A week before Christmas Eve, a major tragedy hit my family. For the following weeks, I had absolutely no mind to think about photography or anything related to it. After the first shock had settled down somewhat and some important things were taken care of, I traveled back to Germany for two weeks to spend some time with my family. The days I had with my mother and my siblings were an amazing and important time to heal. Especially my little three-year-old niece Lisa with her innocent light-heartedness helped me a lot in my grief.

Photograph by Gabriele Berr

February 27, 2011
Spill the Beans is a startup online platform designed to promote high-quality multimedia journalism in Germany. The latest project they feature is Briony Campbell’s “Saying Goodbye with my Camera,” a wonderfully personal and moving piece. Campbell accompanies her dying father on his last days of his battle against cancer – and in the process learns to deal with her own grief. Make sure to look at this when you really have time for it. This is definitely not a piece that you want to watch in a rush.

November 30, 2010
Uwe Martin, a great friend of mine and a former Fulbrighter at the Missouri School of Journalism, is currently competing in the Hope for a Healthy World Photo Competition with his story on Narcolepsia. If you have a minute, please take a look at his (and the other contestants’) images here and consider voting for him!
November 28, 2010
Over the last 14 months I’ve been working on my professional project, the capstone of my Master’s degree at the Missouri School of Journalism. The time has been a rollercoaster of constant ups and downs, successes and backlashes. But it has paid off as I have learned important lessons about photography, multimedia, journalism and about myself. I’m excited to present to you the outcome of all of this: forgiven, but not forgotten. Please visit the project website, and if you feel compelled to voice your thoughts about it, leave your comments in the forum section.

November 24, 2010