|~|20101122184041|~|November 22, 2010 - 06:40 PM|~|Jakob Berr|~|jakob@jakob-berr.com|~|Welcome to the comments section of "Forgiven, but not forgotten." I'd appreciate any feedback on the project and I hope that this forum will provide the venue for a lively discussion.|~|http://www.jakob-berr.com|~||~| |~|20101128215809|~|November 28, 2010 - 09:58 PM|~|Sibylle|~|sibylle.faure@gmail.com|~|Jakob, Your project is done now, it's just amazing what you did...I remember exactly when you started and now...
You're an artist !|~|http://|~||~| |~|20101130070827|~|November 30, 2010 - 07:08 AM|~|Kathleen Suda|~|Kathysuda@hotmail.com|~|I think this was a great work on grief and the journey we must travel to forgive those who harm us. Congratulations on a thorough and poignant study of society's most difficult dilemma.|~|http://|~||~| |~|20101207013736|~|December 07, 2010 - 01:37 AM|~|Jakob Berr|~||~|Thanks a lot for your comments, Sibylle and Kathy. I appreciate your feedback a lot!|~|http://www.jakob-berr.com|~||~| |~|20101212124638|~|December 12, 2010 - 12:46 PM|~|Sebastian Berr|~||~|I expected Your (Jakob's) comment behind this "COMMENT"- link. What makes the project very special is that there is no comment about the topic during all the time. I'm impressed by your ability of completly steping into the background, to show people and to give them a way to tell what moves them. Even when they look heavily moved directly into the lens the photographer is not visible. Congratulations. Both art and a great piece of handcraft.|~|http://|~||~| |~|20111108230026|~|November 08, 2011 - 11:00 PM|~|Clairlina Edmondson|~|edmondson.magill@live.com|~|Thank you. This is beautiful. You are gone Angie, but not forgotten.

I love you!|~|http://|~||~| |~|20111109200844|~|November 09, 2011 - 08:08 PM|~|Jakob Berr|~|jakob@jakob-berr.com|~|Thank you, Clairlina! I appreciate your comment a lot.|~|http://www.jakob-berr.com|~||~| |~|20120111013746|~|January 11, 2012 - 01:37 AM|~|Timothy Brown|~|mr_brown20032003@yahoo.com|~|Thank you that was very well done and beautiful Angela was my cousin and I love her dearly and miss her everyday she may be gone but just like my other loved ones she lives in my heart. thank you|~|http://|~||~| |~|20120111091735|~|January 11, 2012 - 09:17 AM|~|Jakob Berr|~|jakob@jakob-berr.com|~|Thank you for your note, Timothy. This project was very important to me. I'm glad that it means something to you.|~|http://www.jakob-berr.com|~||~| |~|20120114041412|~|January 14, 2012 - 04:14 AM|~|Searria Brown|~|searriaboo2020@yahoo.com|~|Im her little cousin in fact i was named after her. I wish I could have met her and did stuff with her.|~|http://|~||~| |~|20120114041845|~|January 14, 2012 - 04:18 AM|~|Timothy Brown|~|mr_brown20032003@yahoo.com|~|Thank you Mr. Berr, Angela was my cousin theres not a day go by that I dont miss her. I read the book you wrote as well and it brought not only alot of memories back but tears as well. I named my 2nd child after. Searria Angela Renee to honor her. How do I go about getting a copy of forgiven, but not forgotten|~|http://|~||~| |~|20120121181909|~|January 21, 2012 - 06:19 PM|~|Jakob Berr|~|jakob@jakob-berr.com|~|Thank you for your feedback, Timothy and Searria! I'm glad that you like the piece. It means a lot to me.|~|http://www.jakob-berr.com|~||~| |~|20121008201928|~|October 08, 2012 - 08:19 PM|~|Deandra Buchanan Jr|~|buchanandeandra@yahoo.com|~|if she doesnt have a problem with anthing why cant the sisters see or even be around their brothers that bothers me|~|http://|~||~|